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Double Diva Take-Down!

DATE ADDED: April 29, 2022
VIDEO LENGTH: 10 min 48 sec

Hanging by the pool, Nadia and Sydney start talking shit to Jennifer Thomas claiming that she couldn’t take the both of them. Syd tells Skylar to get it on camera…oh boy, big mistake because this double diva take down was caught on camera! JT immediately took Nadia to the mats then locked Sydney in before she even knew what was happening. Skylar was laughing at Nadia and Sydney while placing bets that JT will win. JT swiftly put Nadia’s neck in an ankle lock while holding Syd in a cross body completely immobilizing the two. Sydney and Nadia could barely wrestle back and took to some low blows such as nipple torture. Jennifer’s pro wrestling skills and techniques are second to none, executing a double diva take down!

This match is REAL! This really happened and I remain embarrassed! -Sydney

P.S Skylar better watch her back.

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